Gets general information of an App, including the name, description, related Space, creator, and updater information.
The user must set the promises to global to use the module:
DispatchQueue.promise = .global()
- Permissions to view the App is needed.
- API Tokens cannot be used with this API.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
connection | Connection | yes | The connection module of this SDK. |
Sample code
Init app module
Source code// Init authentication var kintoneAuth = Auth() // Password Authentication let username = "your_usernamr" let password = "your_password" kintoneAuth = kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password) let connection = Connection( "your_domain", kintoneAuth ) let app = App(connection)
Get the single app
func getApp(_ appId: Int) -> Promise<AppModel>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
appId | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
Sample code
get App
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} app.getApp(appId).then{response in print("appId : \(response.getAppId()!)") print("spaceId : \(response.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(response.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(response.getName()!)") print("description : \(response.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get multiple apps
func getApps(_ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?) -> Promise<Array<AppModel>>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The offset off data result |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The limit number of result |
Promise< Array<AppModel>>
Sample code
Get Apps
Source codeapp.getApps().then{appsResponse in var count = 1 for appInfo in appsResponse { print("App[\(count)] : "); print("appId : \(appInfo.getAppId()!)") print("spaceId : \(appInfo.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(appInfo.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(appInfo.getName()!)") print("description : \(appInfo.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") count = count + 1 } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get multiple apps by the list of ids
func getAppsByIDs(_ ids: [Int]?, _ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?) -> Promise<Array<AppModel>>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
ids | List<Integer> | yes | The array of app ids |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The offset off data result |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The limit number of result |
Promise< Array<AppModel>>
Sample code
get Apps By IDs
Source codevar appIds: [Int] = [{your_app_id}, {your_app_id}] let limit: Int = {your_limit} let offset : Int = {your_offset} app.getAppsByIDs(appIds, limit, offset).then{appsResponse in var count = 1 for appInfo in appsResponse { print("App[\(count)] : "); print("appId : \(appInfo.getAppId()!)") print("spaceId : \(appInfo.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(appInfo.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(appInfo.getName()!)") print("description : \(appInfo.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") count = count + 1 } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get multiple apps by a list of codes
func getAppsByCodes(_ codes: [String]?, _ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?) -> Promise<Array<AppModel>>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
codes | List<String> | yes | The array of app codes |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The offset off data result |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The limit number of result |
Promise< Array<AppModel>>
Sample code
get Apps By Codes
Source codevar appCode: [String] = [{your_app_code}, {your_app_code}] let limit: Int = {your_limit} let offset: Int = {your_offset} app.getAppsByCodes(appCode, limit, offset).then{appsResponse in var count = 1 for appInfo in appsResponse { print("App[\(count)] : "); print("appId : \(appInfo.getAppId()!)") print("appCode : \(appInfo.getCode()!)") print("spaceId : \(appInfo.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(appInfo.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(appInfo.getName()!)") print("description : \(appInfo.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") count = count + 1 } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get multiple apps by name
func getAppsByName(_ name: String?, _ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?) -> Promise<Array<AppModel>>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | yes | The app name |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The offset off data result |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The limit number of result |
Promise< Array<AppModel>>
Sample code
get Apps By Name
Source codelet appName: String = {your_app_name} let limit: Int = {your_limit} let offset: Int = {your_offset} app.getAppsByName(appName, limit, offset).then{appsResponse in var count = 1 for appInfo in appsResponse { print("App[\(count)] : "); print("appId : \(appInfo.getAppId()!)") print("appCode : \(appInfo.getCode()!)") print("spaceId : \(appInfo.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(appInfo.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(appInfo.getName()!)") print("description : \(appInfo.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") count = count + 1 } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get multiple apps by space id
func getAppsBySpaceIDs(_ spaceIds: [Int]?, _ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?) -> Promise<Array<AppModel>>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
spaceIds | Array |
(optional) | The Space ID of where the App resides in. Up to 100 IDs can be specified. |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The number of retrievals that will be skipped. Must be between 0 and 2147483647. If nothing is specified, it will default to 0. |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The maximum number of the apps to retrieve. Must be between 1 and 100. If nothing is specified, it will default to 100. |
Promise< Array<AppModel>>
Sample code
get Apps By SpaceIDs
Source codelet spaceIds: [Int] = [{your_space_id}, {your_space_id}] let limit = {your_litmit} let offset = {your_offset} app.getAppsBySpaceIDs(spaceIds, offset, limit).then{appsResponse in var count = 1 for appInfo in appsResponse { print("App[\(count)] : "); print("appId : \(appInfo.getAppId()!)") print("spaceId : \(appInfo.getSpaceId())" ) print("threadId : \(appInfo.getThreadId())" ) print("name : \(appInfo.getName()!)") print("description : \(appInfo.getDescription()!)") print("----------------") count = count + 1 } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Creates a preview App.
func addPreviewApp(_ name: String, _ space: Int?, _ thread: Int?) -> Promise<PreviewApp>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | yes | The App name. The maximum length is 64 characters. |
space | Integer | (optional) | The Space ID of where the App will be created. |
thread | Integer | (optional) | The Thread ID of the thread in the Space where the App will be created. It is recommended to ignore this parameter so that Apps are created in the default thread. There is currently no helpful reason to create Apps in threads other than the default thread, as there are no visual representations in kintone of Apps being related to threads. There are only visual representations of Apps being related to Spaces. |
Sample code
add PreviewApp
Source codelet spaceId = {your_space_id} // Space will add this app let threadId = {your_thread_id} // Thread will add this app app.addPreviewApp(appName, spaceId, threadId).then{ addPreviewRespones in print(addPreviewRespones?.getApp()) print(addPreviewRespones?.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the settings of a pre-live App to the live App.
func deployAppSettings(_ apps: Array<PreviewApp>, _ revert: Bool?) -> Promise<Void>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
apps | Array |
yes | The list of Apps to deploy the pre-live settings to the live Apps. The Maximum limit is 300. If Apps are being deployed to Guest Spaces, Apps can only be deployed to the same Guest Space.. |
revert | Boolean | (optional) | Specify "true" to cancel all changes made to the pre-live settings. The pre-live settings will be reverted back to the current settings of the live app. |
Promise <Void>
Sample code
deploy AppSettings
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} let revision: Int = {your_revision} // Revision of application to deploy let appPreview: PreviewApp? = PreviewApp(appId, revision) app.deployAppSettings([appPreview!]).catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the settings of a pre-live App to the live App.
func getAppDeployStatus(_ apps: [Int]) -> Promise<GetAppDeployStatusResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
apps | Array |
yes | The list of Apps to check the deploy statuses of. The Maximum limit is 300. If Apps in Guest Spaces are specified, all Apps specified in the request must belong to that Guest Space. |
Sample code
get App DeployStatus
Source codelet appIds: [Int] = [{your_app_id}, {your_app_id}] app.getAppDeployStatus(appIds).then{deployStatusReponse in let listAppsDeployStatus = deployStatusReponse?.getApps() for appDeployStatus in listAppsDeployStatus! { print(appDeployStatus.getApp()) print(appDeployStatus.getStatus()) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get field of the form in the kintone app
func getFormFields(_ app: Int, _ lang: LanguageSetting?,_ isPreview: Bool?) -> Promise<FormFields>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
appId | Integer | yes | The app ID |
lang | LanguageSetting | (optional) | The language code. Support:
isPreview | Boolean | (optional) | Get the app form fields with a pre-live settings. |
Sample code
get FormFields
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer let lang: LanguageSetting = {language_code} // LanguageSetting .Ex: LanguageSetting.JA app.getFormFields(appId, lang).then{ formFieldsResponse in print(formFieldsResponse) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } } // Get a pre-live (preview) form fields let appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer let lang: LanguageSetting = {language_code} // LanguageSetting .Ex: LanguageSetting.JA let isPreview: Bool = true, lang, isPreview).then{ formFieldsResponse in print(formFieldsResponse) // FormFields Object }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Adds fields to a form of an App.
func addFormFields(_ app: Int, _ fields: [String: Field],_ revision: Int?) -> Promise<BasicResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
appId | Integer | yes | The app ID |
fields | [String: Field] | (optional) | The formFields which will add to form of kintone app Note: [String: Field]:
revision | Boolean | (optional) | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
add FormFields
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // App Id let fieldCode: String = {field_code_string} // Field code of new Field. It must be not as same as any fields in Pre-Live App Setttings let revision: Int = {latest_revision_of_the_settings} // Integer // Create Radio field instance and set properties let addNewField = RadioButtonField(fieldCode) var optionArray = [String: OptionData]() optionArray["1"] = OptionData("1","1") optionArray["2"] = OptionData("2","2") optionArray["3"] = OptionData("3","3") addNewField.setOptions(optionArray) addNewField.setNoLabel(false) addNewField.setRequired(true) addNewField.setLabel("Label Radio") addNewField.setAlign(AlignLayout.VERTICAL) // Add Field object into dictionary with key is Field Code var properties = [String: Field]() properties[fieldCode] = addNewField // Another add field here app.addFormFields(self.APP_ID, properties, revision).then{ basicResponse in print(basicResponse) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the field settings of fields in a form of an App.
func updateFormFields(_ app: Int, _ fields: [String: Field],_ revision: Int?) -> Promise<BasicResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The app ID |
fields | [String: Field] | (optional) | The formFields which will add to form of kintone app Note: [String: Field]:
revision | Boolean | (optional) | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
update FormFields
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer let fieldCode: String = {field_code_string} // String | fieldCode of exist fields in Pre-Live App Setttings let revision: Int = {latest_revision_of_the_settings} // Integer // Create Field Object to Update let updateField = SingleLineTextField(fieldCode) updateField.setDefaultValue("Hello Kintone") updateField.setRequired(true) // Add Update Field object into dictionary with key is Field Code var properties = [String: Field]() properties[fieldCode] = updateField app.updateFormFields(appId, properties, revision).then{ basicResponse in print(basicResponse) // BasicResponse { revision :} }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Deletes fields from a form of an App.
func deleteFormFields(_ app: Int, _ fields: [String],_ revision: Int?) -> Promise<BasicResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The app ID |
fields | Array<String> | yes | The list of field codes of the fields to delete. Up to 100 field codes can be specified. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
delete FormFields
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer let fieldCodeArray: [String] = [{field_code_string}] // Array| Array of fieldCodes of exist fields in Pre-Live App Setttings let revision: Int = {latest_revision_of_the_settings} // Integer app.deleteFormFields(appId, fieldCodeArray, revision).then{ basicResponse in print(basicResponse) // BasicResponse { revision : } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Get the layout of form in kintone app
func getFormLayout(_ app: Int, _ isPreview: Bool?) -> Promise<FormLayout>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app id |
isPreview | Boolean | (optional) | Get the app form layout with a pre-live settings. |
Sample code
get FormLayout
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer app.getFormLayout(appId).then{ formLayoutResponse in print(response_layout.getLayout()!) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } } // Get a pre-live (preview) form fields let appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer let isPreview: Bool = true app.getFormLayout(appId, isPreview).then{ formLayoutResponse in print(response_layout.getLayout()!) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the field layout info of a form in an App.
func updateFormLayout(_ app: Int, _ layout: [ItemLayout],_ revision: Int?) -> Promise<BasicResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | The kintone app id | |
layout | Array<ItemLayout> | yes | A list of field layouts for each row. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
update FormLayout
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} // Integer var itemLayoutRequest: [ItemLayout]? = [ItemLayout]() // Row Layout let rowLayout1: RowLayout? = RowLayout() var fieldsRowLayout1: [FieldLayout]? = [FieldLayout]() let singleFieldRowLayout1: FieldLayout? = FieldLayout() singleFieldRowLayout1?.setCode("Text") singleFieldRowLayout1?.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT.rawValue) let singleFieldSizeRowLayout1: FieldSize? = FieldSize() singleFieldSizeRowLayout1?.setWidth("193") singleFieldRowLayout1?.setSize(singleFieldSizeRowLayout1) fieldsRowLayout1?.append(singleFieldRowLayout1!) let richTextFieldRowLayout1: FieldLayout? = FieldLayout() richTextFieldRowLayout1?.setCode("Rich_text") richTextFieldRowLayout1?.setType(FieldType.RICH_TEXT.rawValue) let richTextFieldSizeRowLayout1: FieldSize? = FieldSize() richTextFieldSizeRowLayout1?.setWidth("315") richTextFieldSizeRowLayout1?.setInnerHeight("125") richTextFieldRowLayout1?.setSize(richTextFieldSizeRowLayout1) fieldsRowLayout1?.append(richTextFieldRowLayout1!) rowLayout1?.setFields(fieldsRowLayout1) // Subtable Layout let subTableLayout: SubTableLayout? = SubTableLayout() var fieldSubTableLayout: [FieldLayout]? = [FieldLayout]() let singleFieldSubTableLayout1: FieldLayout? = FieldLayout() singleFieldSubTableLayout1?.setCode("Text_0") singleFieldSubTableLayout1?.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT.rawValue) let singleFieldSizeSubTableLayout1: FieldSize? = FieldSize() singleFieldSizeSubTableLayout1?.setWidth("193") singleFieldSubTableLayout1?.setSize(singleFieldSizeSubTableLayout1) fieldSubTableLayout?.append(singleFieldSubTableLayout1!) subTableLayout?.setFields(fieldSubTableLayout) subTableLayout?.setCode("Table") // GROUP Layout let groupLayout: GroupLayout? = GroupLayout() var rowLayoutInGroup: [RowLayout]? = [RowLayout]() // Row Layout let firstRowLayoutInGroup: RowLayout? = RowLayout() var fieldsInRowLayoutInGroup: [FieldLayout]? = [FieldLayout]() // Numeric Field Layout let numericFieldInRowLayoutInGroup: FieldLayout? = FieldLayout() numericFieldInRowLayoutInGroup?.setCode("Number") numericFieldInRowLayoutInGroup?.setType(FieldType.NUMBER.rawValue) // field size let numericFieldSizeInRowLayoutInGroup: FieldSize? = FieldSize() numericFieldSizeInRowLayoutInGroup?.setWidth("200") numericFieldInRowLayoutInGroup?.setSize(numericFieldSizeInRowLayoutInGroup) fieldsInRowLayoutInGroup?.append(numericFieldInRowLayoutInGroup!) firstRowLayoutInGroup?.setFields(fieldsInRowLayoutInGroup) rowLayoutInGroup?.append(firstRowLayoutInGroup!) groupLayout?.setLayout(rowLayoutInGroup) groupLayout?.setCode("Field_group") // Append layout itemLayoutRequest?.append(rowLayout1!) itemLayoutRequest?.append(subTableLayout!) itemLayoutRequest?.append(groupLayout!) app.updateFormLayout(appId, itemLayoutRequest).then{ basicResponse in print(basicResponse.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Gets the description, name, icon, revision and color theme of an App.
func getGeneralSettings(_ app: Int, _ lang: LanguageSetting?, _ isPreview: Bool?) -> Promise<GeneralSettings>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app id |
lang | LanguageSetting | (optional) | The localized language to retrieve the data in language constants |
isPreview | Boolean | (optional) | Get general settings of the app with a pre-live settings. |
Sample code
get GeneralSettings
Source codelet appId = {your_app_id} app.getGeneralSettings(self.APP_ID).then{appGeneralSetting in print(appGeneralSetting.getName()) print(appGeneralSetting.getIcon()) print(appGeneralSetting.getKey()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } } // Get a pre-live (preview) general settings let appId = {your_app_id} let lang = {your_language_code} // LanguageSetting( EN | JA | ZH ). Ex: LanguageSetting.JA let isPreview = true app.getGeneralSettings(self.APP_ID, self.LANG, isPreview).then{appGeneralSetting in print(appGeneralSetting.getName()) print(appGeneralSetting.getIcon()) print(appGeneralSetting.getKey()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the description, name, icon, revision and color theme of an App.
func updateGeneralSettings(_ app: Int, _ generalSettings: GeneralSettings?) -> Promise<BasicResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app id |
generalSettings | GeneralSettings | (Conditional) | The description, name, icon, revision and color theme of an App. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
update general settings
Source codelet appId: Int = {your_app_id} let appGeneralSetting: GeneralSettings = GeneralSettings() appGeneralSetting.setName("GetViewsApp_Test") appGeneralSetting.setDescription("A list of great places to go!") let iconModel: Icon = Icon("APP39", Icon.IconType.PRESET) appGeneralSetting.setIcon(iconModel) appGeneralSetting.setTheme(GeneralSettings.IconTheme.WHITE) app.updateGeneralSettings(appId, appGeneralSetting).then{ basicResponse in print(basicResponse.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Gets the View settings of an App.
func getViews(_ app: Int, _ lang: LanguageSetting?,_ isPreview: Bool?) -> Promise<GetViewsResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app id |
lang | LanguageSetting | (optional) | The localized language to retrieve the data in language constants |
isPreview | Boolean | (optional) | Get views of the app with a pre-live settings when isPreview param is set true. |
Sample code
get Views
Source codelet appId = {your_app_id} let lang = LanguageSetting.EN // LanguageSetting( EN | JA | ZH ). Ex: LanguageSetting.JA app.getViews(appId, lang).then{ appViewResponse in print(appViewResponse) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } } // Get a pre-live (preview) general settings let appId = 2 // your app Id let lang = LanguageSetting.EN // LanguageSetting( EN | JA | ZH ) let isPreview = true app.getViews(appId, lang, isPreview).then{ appViewResponse in print(appViewResponse) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
Updates the View settings of an App.
func updateViews(_ app: Int, _ views: [String: ViewModel],_ revision: Int?) -> Promise<UpdateViewsResponse>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app id |
views | HashTable |
yes | An object of data of Views. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
Sample code
update Views
Source codelet appId = {your_app_id)} let revision = {your_lastest_revision} //default: revision = -1 var viewEntry: [String: ViewModel] = [String: ViewModel]() let updateViewModel: ViewModel = ViewModel() updateViewModel.setName("ViewTest") updateViewModel.setSort("Record_number desc") updateViewModel.setType(ViewModel.ViewType.LIST) updateViewModel.setFilterCond("Created_datetime = LAST_WEEK()") updateViewModel.setIndex(1) let fieldsViews: [String] = ["Text", "Text_Area", "Created_datetime"] updateViewModel.setFields(fieldsViews) viewEntry["ViewTest"] = updateViewModel let updateViewModel2: ViewModel = ViewModel() updateViewModel2.setName("ViewTest2") updateViewModel2.setSort("Record_number asc") updateViewModel2.setType(ViewModel.ViewType.LIST) updateViewModel2.setFilterCond("Created_datetime > LAST_WEEK()") updateViewModel2.setIndex(0) let fieldsInViews2: [String] = ["Text_Area", "Created_datetime"] updateViewModel2.setFields(fieldsInViews2) viewEntry["ViewTest2"] = updateViewModel2 app.updateViews(appId, viewEntry, revision).then{ updateViewResponse in print(updateViewResponse.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }