Authentication module will be used by Connection. This module allows authenticating with the Kintone app by password authenticator or API token authenticator. This module is also supported the basic authenticator.
- If both the Token and the Password Authentication are specified, the Token Authentication will be ignored and the Password authentication will be used.
Sample code
Init authentication module
Source codelet kintoneAuth = Auth()
setPasswordAuth(username, password)
Set password authentication for the Authentication module.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | yes | The username that is able to authenticate on the kintone app |
password | String | yes | The password that is able to authenticate on the kintone app |
Sample code
Set password authentication
Source codelet username: String? = "cybozu"; let password: String? = "cybozu"; kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);
Set Api Token for the Authentication module.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
apiToken | String | yes | The apiToken that is able to authenticate on kintone app |
Set APIToken authentication
Source codelet apiToken: String? = "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; kintoneAuth.setApiToken(apiToken);
setBasicAuth(username, password)
Set Basic authentication for the Authentication module.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | yes | The username that is able to authenticate on the kintone app |
password | String | yes | The password that is able to authenticate on the kintone app |
Sample code
Set basic authentication
Source codelet username: String? = "cybozu"; let password: String? = "cybozu"; kintoneAuth.setBasicAuth(username, password);
Provide the list of HTTP Headers which use to authentication in.
Sample code
Provide the list of HTTP Headers which use to authentication in
Source codelet loginName: String? = "your_user_login_name" let loginPassword: String? = "your_password" let basicLoginName: String? = "your_basic_login_name" let basicLoginPassword: String? = "your_basic_password" let apiToken: String? = "your_api_token" let auth = Auth() auth.setBasicAuth(basicLoginName, basicLoginPassword) auth.setPasswordAuth(loginName, loginPassword) auth.setApiToken(apiToken) let headers: [HTTPHeader?] = auth.createHeaderCredentials() var count = 0 for header in headers { print("Key[" + count.description + "]: " + (header?.getKey())!) print("Value[" + count.description + "]: " + (header?.getValue())!) count += 1 }
setClientCert(certData, password)
Set certificate by certificate data
Name | Type | Required | Description |
certData | Data | yes | Data read from certificate file received from kintone |
password | String | yes | The password from kintone to decode the cert file |
Sample code
Set certificate by certificate data
Source codelet certPassword = "YOUR_CERT_PASSWORD" let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) let certData = try! Data(contentsOf: testBundle.url(forResource: "YOUR_CERT_NAME", withExtension: "YOUR_CERT_EXTENSION")!) auth.setClientCert(certData, certPassword) let conn = Connection("YOUR_DOMAIN", auth, -1)
setClientCertByPath(certPath, password)
Set certificate by path
Name | Type | Required | Description |
certPath | String | yes | Path to kintone certificate file |
password | String | yes | The password from kintone to decode the cert file |
Sample code
Set certificate by path
Source codelet certPassword = "YOUR_CERT_PASSWORD" let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) let pathURLString = testBundle.url(forResource: "YOUR_CERT_NAME", withExtension: "YOUR_CERT_EXTENSION") auth.setClientCertByPath(pathURLString!.absoluteString, certPassword) let conn = Connection("YOUR_DOMAIN", auth, -1)