Provide manipulate functions on file: file download & file upload in the kintone app.
The user must set the promises to global to use the module:
DispatchQueue.promise = .global()
Name | Type | Required | Description |
connection | Connection | yes | The connection module of this SDK. |
Sample code
Initial file class
Source code// Init File Module let fileManager = File(con)
upload(_ filePath: String)
Upload file kintone via Rest API
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filePath | String | yes | The full path of file on your environment |
Sample code
Get app sample
Source codelet USERNAME = "your_username" let PASSWORD = "your_password" let DOMAIN = "your_domain" // Init authenticationAuth let auth = Auth() auth.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD) let con = Connection(DOMAIN, auth) // Init File Module let fileManager = File(con) let recordManager = Record(con) var fileTestRecord: Dictionary= [:] var field = FieldValue() field.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field.setValue("testUploadSuccessForSingleFile") fileTestRecord[fieldCode] = field var fileName = "test" var fileExtention = "txt" // exec upload and result check let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) if let upload_file_path = testBundle.url(forResource: fileName, withExtension: fileExtention){ fileManager.uploadAsync(upload_file_path.absoluteString).then{ fileResponse in // exec add record let fileList = [fileResponse] fileTestRecord = Dictionary = [:] field.setType(FieldType.FILE) field.setValue(fileList) fileTestRecord["ATTACH_FILE_1"] = field recordManager.addRecord(self.APP_ID, fileTestRecord).then{ addResponse -> Promise in let recId = addResponse.getId() return (recordManager.getRecord(self.APP_ID, recId!))! }.then { getResponse in // result check let fileResult: [FileModel] = getResponse.getRecord()!["ATTACH_FILE_1"]!.getValue() as! [FileModel] print(fileResult.count) print(fileResult[0].getSize()) print(fileResult[0].getName()) print(fileResult[0].getFileKey()) print(fileResult[0].getContentType()!) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
download(_ fileKey: String, _ outPutFilePath: String)
Download file kintone via Rest API
Name | Type | Required | Description |
fileKey | String | yes | The file key of the uploaded file on kintone |
outPutFilePath | String | yes | The full path of output file on your environment |
Sample code
Get apps sample
Source codelet USERNAME = "your_username" let PASSWORD = "your_password" let DOMAIN = "your_domain" // Init authenticationAuth let auth = Auth() auth.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD) let con = Connection(DOMAIN, auth) // Init File Module let fileManager = File(con) let recordManager = Record(con) var fieldCode = "SINGLE_LINE_TEXT" var fileTestRecord: Dictionary= [:] var field = FieldValue() field.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field.setValue("testDownloadSuccessForSingleFile") fileTestRecord[fieldCode] = field // exec upload and result check let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self)) guard let upload_file_path = testBundle.url(forResource: "test", withExtension: "txt") else { return XCTFail() } self.fileManagement?.uploadAsync(upload_file_path.absoluteString).then{ fileResponse -> Promise in // exec add record let fileList = [fileResponse] fileTestRecord = Dictionary = [:] field.setType(FieldType.FILE) field.setValue(fileList) fileTestRecord["ATTACH_FILE_1"] = field return (self.recordManagement?.addRecord(self.APP_ID, fileTestRecord))! }.then { addResponse -> Promise in let recId = addResponse.getId() return (self.recordManagement?.getRecord(self.APP_ID, recId!))! }.then { getResponse in // exec download file and result check let fileResult: [FileModel] = getResponse.getRecord()!["ATTACH_FILE_1"]!.getValue() as! [FileModel] if let dowloadDir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .downloadsDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first { let pathFileName = dowloadDir.absoluteString + fileResult[0].getName()! self.fileManagement?.downloadAsync((fileResult[0].getFileKey()!), pathFileName) .catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } } } }