Provide manipulate functions on records: get, update, delete, update the record status & assignees in the kintone app
The user must set the promises to global to use the module:
DispatchQueue.promise = .global()
Name | Type | Required | Description |
connection | Connection | yes | The connection module of this SDK. |
Sample code
Init record module
Source codelet username = {your_user_name} let password = {your_user_password} let domain = {your_domain} // Init authenticationAuth let auth = Auth() auth.setPasswordAuth(username, password) // Init Connection without "guest space ID" let connection = Connection(domain, auth) // Init Record Module let recordManagement = Record(connection)
getRecord(_ app: Int, _ id: Int)
Retrieves details of 1 record from an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID in kintone app |
Sample code
Get record
Source code// execute get record API let appID = {your_app_id} let recordID = {your_record_id} recordManagement.getRecord(appID, recordID).then{response in let resultData: Dictionary= response.getRecord()! print(resultData["$id"]?.getValue()) for (code, value) in resultData { print(value.getType()!) print(value.getValue()) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
getRecords(_ app: Int, _ query: String?, _fields: [String]?, _totalCount: Bool?)
Retrieves details of multiple records from an app using a query string.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
query | String | (optional) | The query string that will specify what records will be responded. |
fields | ArrayList<String> | (optional) | List of field codes you want in the response. |
totalCount | Boolean | (optional) | If "true", the request will retrieve total count of records match with query conditions. |
Sample code
Get records
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} let query = "レコード番号 >= 2 order by レコード番号 asc" recordManagement.getRecords(appID, query, nil, true).then{response in let records = response?.getRecords() for (i, dval) in (records?.enumerated())! { for (code, value) in dval { print(value.getType()) print(value.getValue()) } } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
addRecord(_ app: Int, _ record: [String:FieldValue]?)
Add one record to an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Dictionary<String, FieldValue> | (optional) | The record data to be add to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page |
Sample code
Add record
Source codevar addData: Dictionary= [:] var field = FieldValue() field.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field.setValue("Test Value") addData[{your_field_code}] = field // execute add record API let appID = {your_app_id} recordManagement.addRecord(appID, addData).then{response in print(response.getId()) print(response.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
addRecords(_ app: Int, _ records: [[String:FieldValue]])
Add multiple records to an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<Dictionary<String, FieldValue>> | yes | List of records data to be add to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Add multi records
Source codevar addData1: Dictionary= [:] var addData2: Dictionary = [:] var field1 = FieldValue() var field2 = FieldValue() field1.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field1.setValue("Test Value1") field2.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field2.setValue("Test Value2") addData1[{your_field_code}] = field1 addData2[{your_field_code}] = field2 var addDataList = [addData1, addData2] // execute add records API let appID = 311 recordManagement.addRecords(appID, addDataList).then{response in print(response!.getIDs()) print(response!.getRevisions()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecordByID(_ app: Int, _ id: Int, _ record: [String:FieldValue]?, _ revision: Int?)
Updates details of 1 record in an app by specifying its record number.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID on kintone app |
record | Dictionary<String, FieldValue> | yes | The record data to be updated in the kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
Update record by ID
Source codevar updateData:Dictionary= [:] var field = FieldValue() field.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field.setValue("Test Value Update") updateData[{your_field_code}] = field // execute update record API let appID = {your_app_id} let updRecID = {your_record_id} recordManagement.updateRecordByID(appID, updRecID, updateData , nil).then{response in print(response.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecordByUpdateKey(_ app: Int, _ updateKey: RecordUpdateKey, _ record: [String:FieldValue]?, _ revision: Int?)
Updates details of 1 record in an app by the unique key.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
updateKey | RecordUpdateKey | yes | The unique key of the record to be updated. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
record | Dictionary<String, FieldValue> | yes | The record data will be added to the kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
Update record by UpdateKey
Source codevar updateData: Dictionary= [:] var field = FieldValue() field.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field.setValue("Test Value Update For Key") updateData[{your_field_code}] = field // create update key let updKey = RecordUpdateKey("{your_field_code}", "update key value") // execute update record API let appID = {your_app_id} recordManagement.updateRecordByUpdateKey(appID, updKey, updateData, nil).then{response in print(response.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecords(_ app: Int, _ records: [RecordUpdateItem])
Updates details of multiple records in an app, by specifying their record number, or a different unique key.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> | yes | The record data will be added to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Update multi records
Source codevar recId1 = {your_record_id} var recId2 = {your_record_id} var updateData1: Dictionary= [:] var updateData2: Dictionary = [:] var field1 = FieldValue() var field2 = FieldValue() field1.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field1.setValue("Test Update Value1 ") field2.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT) field2.setValue("Test Update Value2") updateData1[{your_field_code}] = field1 updateData2[{your_field_code}] = field2 var updateDataItem1 = RecordUpdateItem(recId1, nil, nil, updateData1) var updateDataItem2 = RecordUpdateItem(recId2, nil, nil, updateData2) let updateItemList = [updateDataItem1 , updateDataItem2] // execute update records API let appID = {your_app_id} recordManagement.updateRecords(appID, updateItemList).then{response in for value in (response!.getRecords())! { print(value.getID()) print(value.getRevision()) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
deleteRecords(_ app: Int, _ ids: [Int])
Deletes multiple records in an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
ids | ArrayList<Integer> | yes | The list ids of record will be delete. |
Sample code
Delete multi record
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} let delRecordID1 = {your_record_id1} let delRecordID2 = {your_record_id2} let delIdList = [delRecordID1, delRecordID2] recordManagement.deleteRecords(appID, delIdList) .catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
deleteRecordsWithRevision(_ app: Int, _ idsWithRevision: [Int:Int?])
Deletes multiple records in an app with revision.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
idsWithRevision | Dictionary<Integer, Integer> | yes | (key: The Id of record , value: The Revision of record. ) |
Sample code
Delete record with revision
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} var delIdAndRevision: Dictionary= [:] delIdAndRevision[{your_record_id}] = {your_revision_id} delIdAndRevision[{your_record_id}] = {your_revision_id} recordManagement.deleteRecordsWithRevision(appID, delIdAndRevision) .catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecordAssignees(_ app: Int, _ id: Int, _ assignees: [String], _ revision: Int?)
Update assignees of a record.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID of kintone app |
assignees | ArrayList<String> | yes | The user code(s) of the assignee(s) |
revision | Integer | (option) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
update record Assignees
Source codelet username = {your_user_name} let password = {your_user_password} let domain = {your_domain} // Init authenticationAuth let auth = Auth() auth.setPasswordAuth(username, password) // Init Connection without "guest space ID" let connection = Connection(domain, auth) // Init Record Module let recordManagement = Record(connection) // execute update assignees API let appID = {your_app_od} let updRecID = {your_record_id} let assignees = ["{your_user_code}"] recordManagement.updateRecordAssignees(appID, updRecID, assignees, nil).then{response in print(response.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecordStatus(_ app: Int, _ id: Int, _ action: String, _ assignee: String?, _ revision: Int?)
Updates the Status of a record of an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID. |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID on the kintone app. |
action | String | yes | The Action name will be run. |
assignee | String | (Conditionally required) | The next Assignee. Specify the Assignee's login name.Required if the "Assignee List" of the current status is set to "User chooses one assignee from the list to take action", and a selectable assignee exists. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision of record |
Sample code
Update record status
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} let updRecID = {your_record_id} let assignees = "{your_user_code}" let status = "{your_status}" recordManagement.updateRecordStatus(appID, updRecID, status, assignees, nil).then{response in print(response.getRevision()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
updateRecordsStatus(_ app: Int, _ records: [RecordUpdateStatusItem])
Updates the Status of multiple records of an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<RecordUpdateStatusItem> | yes | The recod status data. See belowsample codee or reference at the end of this page to know format. |
Sample code
Update multi record status
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} let updRecID1 = {your_record_id1} let updRecID2 = {your_record_id2} let assignees1 = [{your_login_code1}] let assignees2 = [{your_login_code2}] let status1 = {your_update_status1} let status2 = {your_update_status2} let item1 = RecordUpdateStatusItem(status1, assignees1, updRecID1, nil) let item2 = RecordUpdateStatusItem(status2, assignees2, updRecID2, nil) let itemList = [item1, item2] recordManagement.updateRecordsStatus(appID, itemList).then{response in for value in (response!.getRecords())! { print(value.getID()) print(value.getRevision()) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
getComments(_ app: Int, _ record: Int, _ order: String?, _ offset: Int?, _ limit: Int?)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
order | String | (optional) | The sort order of the Comment ID. Please select asc or desc |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The number of first comments will be ignored. |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The number of records to retrieve. |
Sample code
Get comments
Source codelet appID = {your_app_id} let recordID = {your_record_id} var response: GetCommentsResponse? = nil recordManagement.getComments(appID, recordID, nil, nil, nil).then{response in for value in (response.getComments())! { print(value.getId()) print(value.getCreatedAt()) print(value.getText()) print(value.getCreator()?.code) print(value.getMentions()) } }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
addComment(_ app: Int, _ record: Int, _ comment: CommentContent)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
comment | CommentContent | yes | About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Add comment
Source codelet mention = CommentMention() let comment = CommentContent() mention.setCode("cybozu") mention.setType("USER") let mentionList = [mention] comment.setText("add comment") comment.setMentions(mentionList) // execute get comments API let appID = {your_app_id} let recordID = {your_record_id} recordManagement.addComment(appID, recordID, comment).then{response in print(response.getId()) }.catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }
deleteComment(_ app: Int, _ record: Int, _ comment: Int)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The record ID on kintone app |
comment | Integer | yes | The comment ID on kintone record |
Sample code
Delete comment
Source codelet appId = {your_app_id} let recordId = {your_record_id} let commentId = {your_comment_Id} recordManagement.deleteComment(appId, recordId, commentId) .catch{ error in if error is KintoneAPIException { print((error as! KintoneAPIException).toString()!) } else { print((error as! Error).localizedDescription) } }