Provide manipulate functions on records: get, update, delete, update the record status & assignees in the kintone app
Name | Type | Required | Description |
connection | Connection | yes | The connection module of this SDK. |
Sample code
Init record module
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain);
getRecord(app, id)
Retrieves details of 1 record from an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID in kintone app |
Sample code
Get record
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute GET RECORD API Integer appID = 1; Integer recordID = 1; GetRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.getRecord(appID, recordID);
getRecords(app, query, fields, totalCount)
Retrieves details of multiple records from an app using a query string.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
query | String | (optional) | The query string that will specify what records will be responded. |
fields | ArrayList<String> | (optional) | List of field codes you want in the response. |
totalCount | Boolean | (optional) | If "true", the request will retrieve total count of records match with query conditions. |
Sample code
Get records
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute GET RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; String query = "$id >=" + 1 + "and $id <=" + 10 + "order by $id asc"; GetRecordsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.getRecords(appID, query, null, true);
getAllRecordsByCursor(Integer app, String query, Array<String> fields)
Retrieves details of all records from an app using a query string.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
query | String | (optional) | The query string that will specify what records will be responded. |
fields | ArrayList<String> | (optional) | List of field codes you want in the response. |
Sample code
Get all records by cursor
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute GET RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; String query = "$id >=" + 1 + "and $id <=" + 10 + "order by $id asc"; GetRecordsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.getAllRecordsByCursor(appID, query, null);
addRecord(app, record)
Add one record to an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | HashMap<String, FieldValue> | (optional) | The record data to be add to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page |
Sample code
Add record
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute ADD RECORD API Integer appID = 1; HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("sample_AddRecord"); record.put("FieldCode1", fv); AddRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.addRecord(appID, record);
addRecords(app, records)
Add multiple records to an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>> | yes | List of records data to be add to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Add multi records
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute ADD RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>> records = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>>(); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record1 = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record2 = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("sample_AddRecords1"); FieldValue fv2 = new FieldValue(); fv2.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv2.setValue("sample_AddRecords2"); record1.put("FieldCode1", fv); record2.put("FieldCode1", fv2); records.add(record1); records.add(record2); AddRecordsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.addRecords(appID, records);
updateRecordByID(app, id, record, revision)
Updates details of 1 record in an app by specifying its record number.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID on kintone app |
record | HashMap<String, FieldValue> | yes | The record data to be update in kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
Update record by ID
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORD API Integer appID = 1; Integer recordID = 1; Integer revision = 1; HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("sample_updateRecordById"); record.put("FieldCode1", fv); UpdateRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecordByID(appID, recordID, record, revision);
updateRecordByUpdateKey(app, updateKey, record, revision)
Updates details of 1 record in an app by unique key.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
updateKey | RecordUpdateKey | yes | The unique key of the record to be updated. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
record | HashMap<String, FieldValue> | yes | The record data will be added to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
Update record by UpdateKey
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORD API Integer appID = 1; HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); RecordUpdateKey uKey = new RecordUpdateKey("文字列__1行__0", "unique_value1"); Integer revision = 1; FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("sample_updateRecordByUpdateKey"); record.put("FieldCode1", fv); UpdateRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecordByUpdateKey(appID, uKey, record, revision);
updateRecords(app, records)
Updates details of multiple records in an app, by specifying their record number, or a different unique key.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> | yes | The record data will be added to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Update multi records
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; HashMap<String, FieldValue> record1 = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record2 = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); FieldValue fv1 = new FieldValue(); fv1.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv1.setValue("test_updateRecords1"); FieldValue fv2 = new FieldValue(); fv2.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv2.setValue("test_updateRecords2"); record1.put("FieldCode1", fv1); record2.put("FieldCode1", fv2); ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> records = new ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem>(); records.add(new RecordUpdateItem(1, null, null, record1)); records.add(new RecordUpdateItem(2, null, null, record2)); UpdateRecordsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecords(appID, records);
deleteRecords(app, ids)
Deletes multiple records in an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
ids | ArrayList<Integer> | yes | The list ids of record will be delete. |
Sample code
Delete multi record
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute DELETE RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ids.add(1); ids.add(2); kintoneRecordManager.deleteRecords(appID, ids);
deleteRecordsWithRevision(app, idsWithRevision)
Deletes multiple records in an app with revision.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
idsWithRevision | HashTable<Integer, Integer> | yes | (key: The Id of record , value: The Revision of record. ) |
Sample code
Delete record with revision
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute DELETE RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; HashMap<Integer, Integer> idsWithRevision = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); idsWithRevision.put(1, 1); idsWithRevision.put(2, null); idsWithRevision.put(3, -1); kintoneRecordManager.deleteRecordsWithRevision(appID, idsWithRevision);
updateRecordAssignees(app, id, assignees, revision)
Update assignees of a record.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID of kintone app |
assignees | ArrayList<String> | yes | The user code(s) of the assignee(s) |
revision | Integer | (option) | The revision number of record |
Sample code
update record Assignees
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORD API Integer appID = 1; Integer recordID =1; ArrayList<String> assignees = new ArrayList<String>(); assignees.add("sample_user"); Integer revision = 1; UpdateRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecordAssignees(appID, recordID, assignees, revision);
updateRecordStatus(app, id, action, assignee, revision)
Updates the Status of a record of an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID. |
id | Integer | yes | The record ID on kintone app. |
action | String | yes | The Action name will be run. |
assignee | String | (Conditionally required) | The next Assignee. Specify the Assignee's log in name. Required, if the "Assignee List" of the current status is set to "User chooses one assignee from the list to take action", and a selectable assignee exists. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision of record |
Sample code
Update record status
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORD API Integer appID = 1; Integer recordID =1; String assignee = "sample_user"; String action = "処理開始"; Integer revision = 1; UpdateRecordResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecordStatus(appID, recordID, action, assignee, revision);
updateRecordsStatus(app, records)
Updates the Status of multiple records of an app.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<RecordUpdateStatusItem> | yes | The recod status data. See belowsample codee or reference at the end of this page to know format. |
Sample code
Update multi record status
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute UPDATE RECORDS API Integer appID = 1; ArrayList<RecordUpdateStatusItem> rusi = new ArrayList<RecordUpdateStatusItem>(); String action = "処理開始"; String assignee = "sample_user1"; Integer recordID1 =1; Integer recordID2 =2; Integer recordID3 =3; Integer revision1 = 1; Integer revision2 = null; Integer revision3 = -1; rusi.add(new RecordUpdateStatusItem(action, assignee, recordID1, revision1)); rusi.add(new RecordUpdateStatusItem(action, assignee, recordID2, revision2)); rusi.add(new RecordUpdateStatusItem(action, assignee, recordID3, revision3)); UpdateRecordsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.updateRecordsStatus(appID, rusi);
getComments(app, record, order, offset, limit)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
order | String | (optional) | The sort order of the Comment ID. Please select asc or desc |
offset | Integer | (optional) | The number of first comments will be ignored. |
limit | Integer | (optional) | The number of records to retrieve. |
Sample code
Get comments
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute GET RECORD_COMMENTS API Integer appID = 1; Integer recordID = 1; String order = "asc"; Integer offsset = 1; Integer limit = 2; GetCommentsResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.getComments(appID, recordID, order, offsset, limit);
addComment(app, record, comment)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
comment | CommentContent | yes | About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Add comment
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute ADD RECORD_COMMENT API Integer app = 1; Integer record = 1; CommentContent comment = new CommentContent(); ArrayList<CommentMention> mentionList = new ArrayList<CommentMention>(); CommentMention mention = new CommentMention(); mention.setCode("sample_user"); mention.setType("USER"); mentionList.add(mention); comment.setText("test comment"); comment.setMentions(mentionList); AddCommentResponse response = kintoneRecordManager.addComment(app, record, comment);
deleteComment(app, record, comment)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
record | Integer | yes | The record ID on kintone app |
comment | Integer | yes | The comment ID on kintone record |
Sample code
Delete comment
Source codeString USERNAME = "YOUR_USERNAME"; String PASSWORD = "YOUR_PASSWORD"; // Init authenticationAuth Auth kintoneAuthWithPassword = new Auth(); kintoneAuthWithPassword.setPasswordAuth(USERNAME, PASSWORD); // Init Connection without "guest space ID" Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection("", kintoneAuthWithPassword); // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain); // execute DELETE RECORD_COMMENT API Integer app = 1; Integer record = 1; Integer comment = 1; kintoneRecordManager.deleteComment(app, record, comment);
getAllRecordsByQuery(app, query, fields, totalCount)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
query | String | (optional) | The query string that will specify what records will be responded. |
fields | ArrayList<String> | (optional) | List of field codes you want in the response. |
totalCount | Boolean | (optional) | If "true", the request will retrieve total count of records match with query conditions. |
Sample code
Get all records by query
Source codeInteger appID = {YOUR_APP_ID}; String query = {YOUR_QUERY}; ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); GetRecordsResponse getAllRecords = kintoneRecordManager.getAllRecordsByQuery(appID, query, fields);
deleteAllRecordsByQuery(Integer app, String query)
Delete all records by indicating query. Can delete over 2000 records, but can't do rollback.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
query | String | (optional) | The query string that will specify what records will be responded. If nothing is specified, fields will be returned from all accessible records. The query detail can't indicate limit and offset. |
Sample code
Delete all records by query
Source codeInteger appID = 114; String query = "$id >=" + 1 + "and $id <=" + 10 + "order by $id asc"; try { // Init Record Module Record kintoneRecord = new Record(kintoneConnection); BulkRequestResponse bulkRequestResponse = kintoneRecord.deleteAllRecordsByQuery(appID, query); } catch (BulksException e) { System.out.println(e.getResults()); // Ex: If User delete 6000 records: // Case 1: If there error occur in record 0 // Err response: // [KintoneAPIException] // Case 2: the error occur in record 4000 // err response // [ // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // BulkRequestResponse, // KintoneAPIException // ] }
updateAllRecords(Integer app, ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> records)
Update all records to the kintone app
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | Array<RecordUpdateItem> | yes | The records data which will update to kintone app |
Sample code
update all records
Source codeInteger appID = 114; HashMap <String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("test_updateRecords3x"); record.put("文字列__1行", fv); ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> records = new ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem>(); records.add(new RecordUpdateItem(58178, null, null, record)); try { BulkRequestResponse bulkRequestResponse = this.passwordAuthRecordManagerment.updateAllRecords(appID, records); UpdateRecordsResponse updateRecordsResponse = (UpdateRecordsResponse) bulkRequestResponse.getResults().get(0); System.out.println("record ID: " + updateRecordsResponse.getRecords().get(0).getID()); System.out.println("revision: " + updateRecordsResponse.getRecords().get(0).getRevision()); /* output: record ID: 58178 // record ID revision: 5 // revision */ } catch (BulksException e) { System.out.println(e.getResults()); // Ex: If User update 6000 records: // Case 1: If there error occur in record 0 // Err response: // [KintoneAPIException] // Case 2: the error occur in record 4000 // err response // [ // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // UpdateRecordsResponse, // KintoneAPIException // ] }
addAllRecords(Integer app, ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>> records)
Add all records to the kintone app
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | Array<HashTable<String, FieldValue>> | yes | The records data which will add to kintone app |
Sample code
update all records
Source codeInteger appID = 114; ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>> records = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue>>(); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("test_updateRecords3x"); record.put("文字列__1行", fv); records.add(record); try { BulkRequestResponse bulkRequestResponse = this.passwordAuthRecordManagerment.addAllRecords(appID, records); AddRecordsResponse addRecordsResponse = (AddRecordsResponse) bulkRequestResponse.getResults().get(0); System.out.println("record ID: " + addRecordsResponse.getIDs().get(0)); System.out.println("revision: " + addRecordsResponse.getRevisions().get(0)); /* output: record ID: 58179 // record ID revision: 1 // revision */ } catch (BulksException e) { System.out.println(e.getResults()); // Ex: User update 6000 records: // Case 1: If there error occur in record 0 // err response:[KintoneAPIException] // Case 2: the error occur in record 4000 // err response: // [ // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // AddRecordsResponse, // KintoneAPIException // ] }
upsertRecord(app, updateKey, record, revision)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
updateKey | RecordUpdateKey | yes | The unique key of the record to be updated. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
record | HashMap<String, FieldValue> | yes | The record data will be added to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
revision | Integer | (optional) | The revision number of record |
AddRecordResponse or UpdateRecordResponse
Sample code
Upsert record
Source codeInteger appID = {YOUR_APP_ID}; FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue( {YOUR_FIELD_VALUE} ); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); record.put("title", fv); RecordUpdateKey updateKey = new RecordUpdateKey("detail", "update 123"); kintoneRecordManager.upsertRecord(appID, updateKey, record, 1);
upsertRecords(app, updateKey, records, revision)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer | yes | The kintone app ID |
records | ArrayList<RecordUpdateItem> | yes | The record data will be added to kintone app. About the format, please look the sample below or reference at the end of this page. |
Sample code
Upsert records
Source codeInteger appID = {YOUR_APP_ID}; ArrayList<RecordsUpsertItem> upsertRecords = new ArrayList<RecordsUpsertItem>(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue> > records = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, FieldValue> >(); FieldValue fv = new FieldValue(); fv.setType(FieldType.SINGLE_LINE_TEXT); fv.setValue("Title 123"); HashMap<String, FieldValue> record = new HashMap<String, FieldValue>(); record.put("title", fv); RecordUpdateKey updateKey = new RecordUpdateKey("title", "update 123"); upsertRecords.add(new RecordsUpsertItem(updateKey, record)); kintoneRecordManager.upsertRecords(appID, upsertRecords);
- Get Record
on developer network
- Add Record
on developer network
- Update Record
on developer network
- Delete Record
on developer network
- Get Comments
on developer network
- Add Comment
on developer network
- Delete Comment
on developer network
- Update Record Status
on developer network
- Update Record Assignees
on developer network