Quickstart Nodejs
How to use
Step 1: Run commands
$ mkdir test
$ cd ./test
$ npm init
$ npm install --save @kintone/kintone-js-sdk
Step 2: Add index.js file to test/ folder
Get record sample
Promiseconst kintone = require('@kintone/kintone-js-sdk'); let auth = new kintone.Auth(); const passwordAuthParam = { username: 'YOUR_USER_NAME', password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD' }; auth.setPasswordAuth(passwordAuthParam); const connParam = { domain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN', auth: auth }; let connection = new kintone.Connection(connParam); let kintoneRecord = new kintone.Record({connection}); const params = { app: 'YOUR_APPID', id: 'RECORD_ID' }; kintoneRecord.getRecord(params).then((rsp) => { console.log(rsp); }).catch((err) => { // The promise function always reject with KintoneAPIExeption console.log(err.get()); });async/await
const kintone = require('@kintone/kintone-js-sdk'); let auth = new kintone.Auth(); const passwordAuthParam = { username: 'YOUR_USER_NAME', password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD' }; auth.setPasswordAuth(passwordAuthParam); const connParam = { domain: 'YOUR_DOMAIN', auth: auth }; const connection = new kintone.Connection(connParam); const kintoneRecord = new kintone.Record({connection}); const params = { app: 'YOUR_APPID', id: 'RECORD_ID' }; const getRecord = async () => { try { let recordResult = await kintoneRecord.getRecord(params); console.log(recordResult); } catch (error) { // The promise function always reject with KintoneAPIExeption console.log(error.get()); } } getRecord();
Step 3: Run index.js file
$ node index.js
Get record response
Response success{ "record":{ // record data should be here } }Response error
{ id: '{ID}', code: '{CODE}', message: '{Message string}', errors: '{JSON String}' }