Connection module is used to connect to kintone Rest API
This module execute requests using wx.request(Object object)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
params | Object | yes | The parameters that include domain, auth, guestSpaceID properties |
params.domain | String | yes | The domain that is able to authenticate on kintone app |
params.auth | Auth | yes | The authentication object. |
params.guestSpaceID | Integer | optional | The guest space id. Use this parameter to connect to kintone guest space. |
Sample code
Init Connection module
const kintone = require('@kintone/kintone-wechat-miniprogram-sdk'); // Define Authentication object let kintoneAuth = new kintone.Auth(); let paramsAuth = { username: 'your_user_name', password: 'your_password', } kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(paramsAuth); let paramsConnection = { domain: 'your.FQDN.tld', auth: kintoneAuth } let kintoneConnection = new kintone.Connection(paramsConnection); // Define connection that included guest space let paramsConnection = { domain: 'your.FQDN.tld', auth: kintoneAuth, guestSpaceID: 'guestSpaceID' } let kintoneConnectionWithGuestSpaceDemo = new kintone.Connection(paramsConnection);
Set new header of the Connection
Name | Type | Required | Description |
params | Object | yes | The parameters that include key, value properties |
params.key | String | yes | The header's key name |
params.value | String | yes | The header's value of key |
Sample code
Set header of the Connection
let params = { key: 'your_header_key', value: 'your_header_value' } kintoneConnection.setHeader(params);
Add parameter that supported by wx.request
Only "responseType" and "complete" can be added.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
params | Object | yes | The parameters that include key, value properties |
params.key | String | yes | The option's key name |
params.value | String | yes | The option's value of key |
Sample code
Add request option of the Connection
let params = { key: 'complete', value: function(){console.log('hello')} } kintoneConnection.addRequestOption(params);