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Connection module will used as a connector to connect to kintone Rest API



Name Type Required Description
domain String yes The Domain name or FQDN
auth Auth yes The authentication object
guestSpaceID Integer (optional) The guest space id. Use this parameter to connect to kintone guest space.

Sample code

Init Connection module Source code

// Define Authentication object
Auth kintoneAuth = new Auth();
String username = "cybozu";
String password = "cybozu";
kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);

String myDomainName = "";
Connection connection = new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);

// Define connection that included guest space
int guestSpaceID = 1;
Connection kintoneConnectionWithGuestSpaceDemo =
    new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth, guestSpaceID);


setHeader(key, value)

Set new header of the Connection


Name Type Required Description
key String yes The header's key name
value String yes The header's value of key



Sample code

Set header of the Connection Source code
String username = "cybozu";
String password = "cybozu";
String key = "X-HTTP-Method-Override";
String value = "GET";

// Init authenticationAuth
Auth kintoneAuth = new Auth();
kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);

String myDomainName = "";
Connection connection = new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);
connection.setHeader(key, value);

setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort)

Set the proxy of the request


Name Type Required Description
proxyHost String yes The proxy host name
proxyPort Integer yes The proxy port number



Sample code

Set the proxy of the request Source code
String username = "cybozu";
String password = "cybozu";
String proxyHost = "xxxx";
Integer proxyPort = 1234;

// Init authenticationAuth
Auth kintoneAuth = new Auth();
kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);

String myDomainName = "";
Connection connection = new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);
connection.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort);