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Provide manipulate functions on file: file download & file upload in the kintone app.



Name Type Required Description
connection Connection yes The connection module of this SDK.

Sample code

Initial file class Source code

File fileManagement = new File(connection);



Upload file kintone via Rest API


Name Type Required Description
filePath String yes The full path of file on your environment



Sample code

Get app sample Source code
String username = "cybozu";
String password = "cybozu";

// Init authenticationAuth
Auth kintoneAuth = new Auth();
kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);

// Init Connection
String myDomainName = "";
Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);

// Init File Module
File kintoneFileManager = new File(kintoneOnDemoDomain);

// execute upload file API
String uploadPath = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/upload";
FileModel fileModel = kintoneFileManager .upload(uploadPath + "test.txt");

download(fileKey, outPutFilePath)

Download file kintone via Rest API


Name Type Required Description
fileKey String yes The file key of the uploaded file on kintone
outPutFilePath String yes The full path of output file on your environment



Sample code

Get apps sample Source code
String username = "cybozu";
String password = "cybozu";

// Init authenticationAuth
Auth kintoneAuth = new Auth();
kintoneAuth.setPasswordAuth(username, password);

String myDomainName = "";
Connection kintoneOnDemoDomain = new Connection(myDomainName, kintoneAuth);

// Init File Module
File kintoneFileManager = new File(kintoneOnDemoDomain);
// Init Record Module
Record kintonRecordManager = new Record(kintoneOnDemoDomain);

// get filekey
Integer appID = 1;
Integer recordID =1;
GetRecordResponse recordJson = kintonRecordManager.getRecord(appID, recordID);
HashMap recordVal = recordJson.getRecord();
FieldValue fileVal = recordVal.get("TempFile");
ArrayList fileList = (ArrayList) fileVal.getValue();

// execute download file API
String downloadPath = "C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/";
for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
    FileModel fdata = fileList.get(i);, downloadPath + fdata.getName());